Website Changes

Access to the Walmart store directory and overnight RV parking information has been removed from this website because we learned our data was being used for purposes other than personal reference. Near the bottom of this website is a copyright notice that states:

The content contained in this website may be used for personal reference only and may not be reproduced in any form without permission from Roundabout Publications.

Due to the violation of our copyright notice, we removed the data and are promoting our Walmart Locator book. The book is a directory of Walmart stores across the United States and includes overnight RV parking information. To learn more, go to Amazon’s website.

Walmart RVing Group

The co-owner of the Yahoo group known as Walmart RVing recently announced the group will be shutting down. It was founded on December 14, 2005; nearly 14 years ago. The decision to shut the group down was made because of the impending changes Yahoo is making to the Groups feature of its website. Beginning in mid-December, “Yahoo Groups will no longer host user created content on its sites.”

Members of the group contributed information via email about Walmart locations that allowed or prohibited overnight RV parking. The group’s admin would verify the information and make it available in a spreadsheet and PDF format that could be downloaded. With Yahoo’s changes, this feature would no longer be possible. The group had nearly 10,000 members.

Over the past several years, the Walmart RVing group graciously allowed this website (Walmart Locator) to reproduce the list of Walmart stores that prohibited overnight parking. We deeply appreciate the efforts put into managing the information and are thankful the owner allowed us to reproduce the information for our site visitors.